California Checklist.
Saturday, January 18, 2014 @ 8:53 PM

1) Vance Creek Bridge, Washington

This bridge is mad sick. It is the second tallest track in the world, and being someone who loves train tracks, of course I have to go check it out. I think the first time I saw the picture of this bridge was on Kevinruss' Instagram and I just went to google and found out where exactly it was. Need. To. Go.

2) Joshua Tree National Park

The first time I saw pretty photographs of stars taken by a friend was taken by Kaiyang last year? He told me he took them at Joshua Tree National Park, and I really do want to go after more research on the place. It's a very beautiful place - a desert makes such an awesome landscape too. Once again, I am very inspired by my instagram idol, Kevinruss. His recent desert photos are a huge inspiration and his photos are what ignite my wanderlust x adventurousness within.

3) Glacier National Park

I wanted to go to Glacier so badly last year, but due to time constraints and the fact that it was too far out from the initial map of our road trip, it was impossible for us to make the detour to go. A few of the instagrammers' I follow were there last Summer when I was still residing in beautiful California and their pictures of the place were really crazily beautiful. It remains a regret of California from 2013.

I shall slowly make a list of places in California that I really want to go, and check them off when I finally step foot on that amazing coast again. Till then, I will work hard on improving my photography skills so that I will be able to take amazing photos of the sights and landscapes when I am there again in the near future. <3

